Cumbre Vieja Tsunami Hazard

N Tsoenami uitgespreek as tsoe-NA-mie n tipe vloedgolf is n reeks golwe genoem n golftrein wat in n watermassa veroorsaak word deur n puls of skielike versteuring wat n waterkolom vertikaal verplaas. Aardbewings aard- of grondverskuiwings vulkaniese uitbarstings ontploffings en die impak van buiteaardse liggame soos meteoriete kan n vloedgolf veroorsaak.

Cumbre Vieja Tsunami Hazard Wikiwand

They concluded that a future volcanic eruption will result in the mass of rock alongside the.

Cumbre vieja tsunami hazard. In the 1990s geologists realised that the Cumbre Vieja volcano in La Palma in the Canary Islands off North Africa could pose a tsunami risk to Britain and Ireland as it is seemingly unstable.

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The Canary Islands And The Tsunami Threat I




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